And we're back!!!
** Colin Sure Start - return to face-to-face groups and programmes with Parents/Carers **
We are pleased to announce that we have now received confirmation from the Department and Executive that Sure Starts are able to return to the face to face delivery of the rest of our services, subject to all Covid-safe protocols being in place. This is fantastic news I think you will agree! So from next week, many of our groups will be changing from the remote format to in-person, face to face delivery in venues. These will be subject to strict Covid guidance to ensure the safety of families and staff, and attendance at all groups will be BY BOOKING ONLY to ensure that safety measures and restrictions on numbers can be adhered too.
Most of our programmes due to start next week have already been booked, so our staff will be in contact with all participants ahead of starting next week to make you aware of the arrangements that are in place and how it will work. Rhythm, Rhyme and Story Time - we will be continuing with our weekly live streamed show on YouTube every Wednesday at 3.30pm, but we do have some spaces available for our face to face Rhythm, Rhyme and Story Time groups. These will be held with small groups up in Mount Eagles Hall starting next Tuesday, 25th May with one group starting at 10 am and another group at 11 am. The sessions are 30 minutes long, and there are 6 sessions in a programme. If you are interested in booking a place on one of these please give us a call on 90601417. These available places will be offered out on a first come, first served basis. Thank you all for your patience over this past while and it will be great to be back and see you all again! And of course, we are always welcome new registrations, so if you live in the Colin area and have children under 4 and have never been to a Sure Start group before, no problem - give us a call and we can explain everything and help you to get registered
Colin Sure Start, Unit 21, Dairy Farm Centre, Stewartstown Road, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0 AW Telephone: 028 9060 1417
Charity No: NIC103284 | Company No: NI42091