Access Keys:

Colin Sure Start, Belfast

Come and Celebrate Cultural Awareness with us! Friday, 22nd March

5th Mar 2024
Cultural Celebration Event

When: Friday 22nd March, 11:00 - 12:30
Where: Dairy Farm Shopping Centre

We are going to be having a Cultural Celebration Event, celebrating different cultures, backgrounds and all the diversity that makes up the Colin community! This will be a child-friendly event, with lots of activities for children under 4 and all are welcome to come along - we will have some of the families from our Ethnic Minority group contributing different cooked and baked dishes from the countries and cultures to taste, activities and play for children, and stalls and information for parents and carers. So put the date in your diary and pop down, and if you are a family who would like to get involved and share some of your culture - cooking, baked goods or other ideas, please get in contact with Margaret on 90601417 - we'd love to have you involved!