Help Kids Talk - Message of the Month for February
5th Feb 2025
Face to face interaction is really important for children of all ages. By being face to face, you and your child are able to see each other's communication attempts and respond to one another. Face-face interaction contributes to brain development, bonding and speech, language and communication skills.
- Peek a boo is a great game to play wherever you are, changing nappies, getting dressed etc. Peekaboo helps a child feel special and helps build a relationship together.
- Gentle tickling is a good way of communicating with baby or young child. Watch to see if they respond with their eyes or with smiles, noises or movements.
- Respond to a child's noises, babbling and facial expressions.
- Sing nursery rhymes/action songs face-face (e.g. row the boat, head shoulders). The actions and repetition will help a child to learn new words and they will have fun too!
- Play copycat games - take turns copying each other's actions.
- Join in with their play and follow their lead, they will play with you for longer because they are doing something they really like.
- Add new ideas to play e.g. if they can build a tower, show them how to build a castle or a fort, this will make the activity last longer and teach them new words.
- Switch off all devices and distractions and talk together face-face (e.g. mealtimes, before bed, bathtime) Giving a child your full attention makes them feel special and valued and creates opportunities for conversation.
For more information on HKT's message of the month check out this video:
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Colin Sure Start, Unit 21, Dairy Farm Centre, Stewartstown Road, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0 AW Telephone: 028 9060 1417
Charity No: NIC103284 | Company No: NI42091