New Toy Lending Service Starting!
Big announcement folks - this week we are starting a brand new service - a toy lending programme. We have developed 4 sets of specific activities, which are delivered with all the resources and material that you will need directly to your doorstep so your child or children can have an opportunity for some imaginative, exploratory, creative and sensory play right in your own home! Included will be a big 3 ft x 3 ft tough tray, which is a square 'play tray' that has a shallow lip on it to keep all the materials and toys in, and hopefully the mess out!
Included in the delivery will be all the resources for that session - sand, rainbow rice, moon sand, play dough, oats etc, along with the toys that can be combined for some awesome creative and imaginative play for your child - so combinations include: Farm toys and Oats, Dinosaurs and Dough, Vehicles and Moon Sand and Rainbow Rice and Tea Set/kitchen utensils. They will be completely cleaned and sanitised in between each use to make it Covid-safe, and you will get brand new dough or materials which havent been used by anyone else before.
These will come with links for a couple short instructional videos made by our staff to show you how these resources can be used to get great open-ended play for your child, and ways to extend the play and encourage language and communication too!
Sets will normally be borrowed for 3-5 days, and our staff will collect them again afterwards, at which point you could 'borrow' a different set - so your child gets lots of variety.
If this sounds interesting to you or you would just like to hear more, give us a call and ask for Ciara or Clare, 90601417, and if they are out just leave a number with our office, telling them its in relation to the TOY LIBRARY PROJECT and they can get back to you!
Colin Sure Start, Unit 21, Dairy Farm Centre, Stewartstown Road, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0 AW Telephone: 028 9060 1417
Charity No: NIC103284 | Company No: NI42091