Summer Activities 2020
Hi All - We have published our plan for our summer activities for 2020! Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, it is much scaled down from previous years, with all activities taking place outdoors with limited numbers, but hopefully will give you something to join in over the summer months with your 0-4 year olds!
We have 10 activities planned, 5 in July and 5 in August. See the poster for dates, and the venues are TBC as we are still working on this, but they will all be OUTDOORS and in the COLIN area, so you wont have to go far! Unfortunately no trips this year, but lots of other alternatives with arts, crafts, music, dance, physical, play, sensory and more! All activities will be planned so that bookings are staggered, with no more than 5 families at a time, spread out in different 'stations' to ensure social distancing. We will provide hygiene stations at all our activities for use by those attending, and our staff have cleaning and hygiene protocols and risk assessments in place for in-between use of the stations - materials wont be shared and each family unit will have a fresh supply of whatever they need for the activity.
BOOKING - our booking will open from Tuesday, 30th at 9.30 am and from then onward. Booking of activities can be made by phoning our main office number - 90601417 where one of our staff will speak to you about your preferences. In order to allow as many families as possible to participate, we are limiting booking to 2 activities initially. Once we have completed the registration process, if there are any available slots in any activities we will allocate these out to families on a waiting list/over spill list.
ATTENDING - it is very important that all families stick strictly to the times that they have been allocated for an activity. This is to ensure that we can maintain the health, safety and social distancing measures and that the activities are Covid-19 safe and we are able to minimise risks. Families who turn up at any time other than their allotted time slot unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate due to these restrictions.
If anyone in your family is unwell, or displaying symptoms of Covid-19 PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND. If this is the case please follow the government guidance and self isolate, and if this happens before any event, contact us by phone to cancel your place. We have procedures and protocols in place if any one displays symptoms while at one of our activities. In this event you will be asked to return home and follow the government guidance, and a cleaning and hygiene process will be triggered at that activity station.
So we look forward to seeing you over the summer at some of these activities. Unfortunately we cannot accept any pre-bookings before Tuesday, the 30th at 9.30, so please hold off until then if your call is in relation to these summer activities!
Colin Sure Start, Unit 21, Dairy Farm Centre, Stewartstown Road, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 0 AW Telephone: 028 9060 1417
Charity No: NIC103284 | Company No: NI42091